General Enquiries and Booking |

For Schools and Services


A New Way of Being delivers unique training that is bespoke to each organisation. Our training includes building safe attachments, recognising challenging behaviour as a form of communication, and working on regulation of self and of others.

Sessions support teams and individuals to explore and understand their own perceptions of, and reactions to behaviour and the challenges young people may present us with developing skills and confidence in working with children and young people and behavioural containment and managment techniques.

Sessions can be delivered to whole staff teams, key staff members, (including pastoral or senior leadership figures) to disseminate the training to the rest of the staff.

Our training covers but is not limited to-

What we bring to the table: our own perceptions of behaviour

Styles of relating

Building positive and supportive relationships with young people.

Understanding behaviour as the communication of an unmet need

Trauma, Adverse Childhood Experiences, and the developing brain

Multi agency collaborative working

Professional attachments with children and young people

Physical and emotional regulation techniques


If you are particularly concerned about a young person, or group of young people in your setting and would like to discuss bespoke support options, then please book a telephone consultation wit us.

Pupil workshops

We offer a range of workshops covering many different themes and topics. All are designed to, educate, empower and upskill young people, facilitating increased resilience, self-confidence and self-awareness and supporting young people to become independant, empowered and enquiring individuals.

We create a safe and relaxed environment in which young people can begin to explore and deepen their understanding of and relationships with themselves, others and the local and global communities around them. This raises awareness of how their behaviour and actions impact upon themselves and others. Our workshops are flexible and free flowing and will be tailored to the individual, or group needs and requirements.

They can be offered either at your premises or off-site at one of our woodland or community settings.

All our instructors are DBS checked and have full safeguarding and first aid training.

Early interventions

We offer six to twelve week intervention programmes that can be delivered to individuals or small groups who are at risk of or already excluded from education. Please arrange a telephone consultation if you are interested in finding out more about this.

General Enquiries and Booking

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