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Consultancy, Training & Development

Our training begins by focusing on our own perceptions of and attitudes towards working with or parenting young people. Developing self awareness and outlining our own motivations for the work that we do. Unpicking the baggage that we all bring to the table and considering how this impacts upon our responses or reactions to challenges and behaviours that children and young people may present us with.

We train in nervous system and behavioural regulation along with containment strategies of self-first; then of others to ensure that we are meeting the emotional needs and safety of both ourselves and the young people that we engage with.

We recognise behaviour as a form of communication, often the communication of an unmet need and that for many young people, often this type of behaviour is their only form of communication.

A violent outburst that a young person may display could essentially be them expressing…

"I am not coping"

"I am facing challenges at home"

"I am not confident enough to try that"

Only by understanding and being equipped to counteract unhealthy behaviour using our techniques, ensures that key staff and care givers are best placed to create positive and supportive relationships, forging a safe, regulated contained environment in which we all can all flourish and grow.

Our skills can be delivered or accessed either in person or virtually and delivered worldwide .

General Enquiries and Booking

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