General Enquiries and Booking |


“Working with Sam has changed our family’s life we all have a greater understanding of our individual and family trauma and how these impacts on our family roles we have learned to love each other properly”

Jemma - Private Client

“This training made me think about behaviour in a completely different way”

Jill - Teaching assistant

“I can’t believe I never thought about my own behaviour like this before”

Teresa- Forest School instructor

Sam’s passion and enthusiasm is so evident in her work”

David “Berkshire Youth”

“This training was very beneficial has given me so many ideas to help with behaviours in the classroom”

Stephen- Teaching assistant

“I found all these self-reflection and micro practice exercises so useful and empowering. I will certainly be using them daily to develop my practice”

Abbie- Forest school Leader

“Sam Young has been working with my family for over 4 years now. Initially she worked with my youngest who was experiencing regular exclusions from mainstream school. She provided him with alternative learning environments and helped him regulate and manage his emotions. He is now thriving in a special school with the correct support. Sam really helped us get to this stage. She now provides home and respite care for my daughter who is severely physically disabled and accompanies us on our family holidays every year. She is always upbeat, has a true understanding of how children think and can deal with any situation in a calm and professional manner. She’s a gem.”

Jules- Parent Private Client

“Working with you has made me realise were all that anger came from and that the ways I was showing it was out of order. I wish they taught this stuff in school it would make things a lot easier”

Bradley- Young person

General Enquiries and Booking

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